Website Safi Home Works, LLC
This job description is subject to change and is a general overview.
Safi Home Works is seeking 1-2 people to work on the Operations Team, 16-28 hours per week. Candidates will be both practical enough to help run the business and idealistic enough to care about the worker-owned cooperative movement. To work with us you must know basic business math, communicate very well, and also be deeply kind. Most of us are immigrants, so proficiency in a second language, or at least some cross-cultural experience is necessary. You must value the “truly nontoxic” theme of our business. Within a year, you will become a member/co-owner of the company.
Safi Home Works, LLC (SHW) is the central customer service, marketing, sales and office support hub for a network or worker-owned cooperatives who offer clients “truly nontoxic” residential and commercial cleaning services, interior house painting, and yard work.
The work of the Operations Team is the majority of the work that SHW does. The Operations Coordinators are diplomats, interpreters, organizers, teachers, and planners who ensure the smooth flow of operation and communication between our clients and our affiliates, and within SHW. The job, located in Tucson, AZ, is primarily done in-person, but some parts of it may be done remotely, from home.
The OT are at the center of the services that we provide, including:
- Scheduling (of all client services, SHW meetings, sales meetings, trainings, publicity events,community-facing events, etc)
- Customer service (including invoicing, resolving complaints, and some aspects of sales)
- Meeting facilitation
- Safi Standards compliance
- Supplies distribution
- Training and coaching (including some legal compliance, business and bookkeeping advice)
Of course, this is too long a list for one person. We will create a list of responsibilities based on ability and interest for our new member.
Pay Rate
$16/hr during training period (first 2-5 weeks, depending on experience and ability), then $18-20/hr for the next 5-12 months. Within 12 months of employment, you will be offered the opportunity to become an Operations Coordinator, and/or a co-owner, at which point pay rate is renegotiated. Owners receive “guaranteed payments” instead of hourly wages. “
This is a part-time job with a small company, and we don’t offer any benefits. We do of course pay into FICA.
We are growing, so the number of hours could over time grow as well, or this could be a good fit for someone who wants a meaningful yet part-time job.
For a more complete job description please email safihomeworks@gmail.com. See also www.safihomeworks.com
To apply for this job email your details to safihomeworks@gmail.com