A yellow graphic with photos that shaoe the letters U S F W C -- pictures of people speaking through microphones and a group photo of 30 people with their fists raised. Text that reads 2024 board elections united states federation of worker cooperatives usworker.coop/elections.

2024 Board Election Candidate Statements

Get to know your candidates for USFWC Board of Directors

Voting in the 2024 Board of Directors Election opens August 28th! This year, members are voting for candidates for four director seats.

Voting member classes include: Worker Cooperative, Democratic Workplace, Cooperative Developer, and Federation Partner. More about all member classes available here: usworker.coop/join

When elections open, voting members will receive an email with their voting code, a link to their ballot and instructions to cast their vote. If you haven't received that email, or if you have any questions, please email membership [at] usworker [dot] coop.

Learn more about the election on our board elections page here.

Thank you to all of our candidates for volunteering their leadership and experience in service of our extraordinary network!

Check back on August 28th for the link to the online ballot

Important Dates

May 16
Candidate nominations open at the Spring Member Meeting

July 26
Nominations close

August 28
Voting begins for voting members

October 7
Voting ends for voting members

Mid October
Winners announced. New board member orientation begins.

New board members take their seat

Meet Your 2024 Board Candidates

Candidate Statements

Cameron Bacher

Nicole Borner

Kimberly Britt

Salvador Gonzalez

Dominique Pearson

  • Workplace: L.A. Co-op Lab
  • Member class: Cooperative Developer
  • Incumbent

Marina Rodriguez

Adrian Roman

Kyle Schmolze

  • Workplace: Groupmuse
  • Member class: Worker Cooperative

Click here to watch candidate's video statement

Evelyn Torres

Angela Walton