Worker Benefits Program Expands Into Retirement Plans Through Partnership With Just Futures

Just Futures and the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives are partnering to make it easy for worker cooperatives to offer values-aligned, affordable retirement benefits

Did you hear the exciting announcement at the Spring Member Meeting? The Worker Benefits Program is expanding into retirement benefits through a partnership with Just Futures!

Now, USFWC members will be able to access reduced fees on retirement plans from Just Futures that promote a regenerative economy while helping workers invest for their futures. USFWC members receive discounted pricing on startup and advisory fees for retirement plans.

By partnering with Just Futures, the USFWC offers members access to a needed benefit through an investment model designed by experts to support movement organizations and the transition to a just and regenerative economy.

We know that retirement benefits are an important part of our members’ ability to provide great jobs. And after years of overwhelming demand from our members, we are thrilled to make this opportunity possible through our partnership with Just Futures. We partnered with them because of their expertise, transparency, movement alignment, and ability to tailor offerings to meet the diverse needs of USFWC members.

The Worker Benefits Program helps worker co-ops provide the good jobs that workers need to thrive. When worker co-ops thrive, it inspires belief in the possibility of a brighter, more just future. Just Futures connects organizations with investment solutions that are increasingly aligned with the needs of people, communities, and our one planet. What’s more, Just Futures is partially owned by a coalition of movement groups. That means that USFWC members’ participation in Just Futures’ plans literally funds movements that make a just future possible.

Learn More
Learn more about Just Futures and the discounts USFWC members receive by downloading this info packet.

Get Started
You can use this website form to get started, or use Just Futures’ scheduling link to skip straight to setting up a call.

In cooperation,

Maddie Taterka
Worker Benefits Program Manager
The Worker Benefits Program of the USFWC

Posted in Announcements / Anuncios, Health, Member News, News.