Highlights from our Member Councils and Peer Networks – March 2025

Our Member Councils and Peer Networks are shaping the future of the worker co-op movement in the U.S.  Here are the latest highlights from some of our Councils & Networks:

  • The Union Co-ops Council (UCC) is supporting the REI union’s call for support to reject all 3 REI Board candidates and vote “withhold”, after the current board disqualified the two pro-worker candidates and offered only their picked nominees. Go to votenorei.com for instructions on how to vote. 

    Our REI union co-op solidarity campaign is organizing a national day of action for Saturday, April 5th, for cooperators to flyer at their local REI store, talking to members and getting out the no vote. Join the UCC’s next meeting on Wednesday, March 26, at 3-4:15pm ET (last Wednesdays monthly) to help plan this action and mobilize your co-ops/networks to vote.
  • The Policy & Advocacy Council is organizing opportunities to defend and grow worker cooperatives through government relations, which is more important than ever to the growth of the sector. Alongside proactive worker co-op advocacy, we work to understand and respond to the rapidly changing federal landscape with care for the co-op community.Join our next meeting on April 3 to hear about state advocacy initiatives and the latest government relations news, as well as how you can plug in as an advocate. 
  • Co-op Academies and Language Justice Peer Network crossover meeting – Developers and non-profit staff running co-op academies are interested in scaling up their language justice practices to better support cooperators whose primary language is not English and immigrant-led co-ops but don’t know where to make changes and at what scale.
    In this crossover meeting between experienced interpreters and translators from our Language Justice Peer Network and educators from the Cooperative Academies Peer Network we troubleshooted specific scenarios and shared experiences testing different approaches to generate collective ideas!

Get involved! Check our events calendar to sign up for upcoming Member Council and Peer Network meetings.

Posted in Links, Member News, News.