Cast your ballot today for the 2022 Regional Board Elections

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Did you know that the USFWC board strategically represents regions across the country?

Each year, the USFWC hosts an annual election for the Board of Directors. On odd years, we hold an election for our at-large positions, and on even years like 2022, we elect our Regional Representatives, who advocate for the worker co-ops in their area: North, South, East, and West.

Now is the time for voting members to exercise their right and responsibility to democratically elect the next round of leadership for the USFWC! There is 1 open seat for each of our regions. 

Click here to read about this year’s Regional Board candidates

Voting members (Worker Cooperatives, Democratic Workplaces, Cooperative Developers and Federation Partners) have until October 7th, noon Eastern Time to cast their votes!  Your workplace should have received an email with a unique voting code and link to complete your ranked-choice voting. If you have not received your voting codes and link, please send an email to 

Click here to learn more about the Regional Elections Process

Posted in Links, News.