Group of 9 people of different races and genders posing together and smiling joyfully on a rooftop patio overlooking a city skyline.


Online voting opens August 28th

Each year, USFWC members elect their peers to the Board of Directors from a pool of candidates nominated by other members. Members elect four directors in even years and five directors in odd years.

In 2024, members will vote for candidates for four director seats.

Online voting is open August 28 through October 7.

Get to know the candidates

Meet your 2024 USFWC Board of Directors candidates at our candidates page here.

Thank you to all of our candidates for volunteering their leadership and experience in service of our extraordinary network.

How to vote

USFWC voting members are eligible to vote by workplace in elections for USFWC Board of Directors. Voting member classes are:

  • Worker Cooperative
  • Democratic Workplace
  • Cooperative Developer
  • Federation Partner

Each workplace will receive a unique code to cast their vote.

Your primary contact receives an email with your voting code, the link to the online ballot, and voting instructions.

Use the provided code for your workplace. We use ranked-choice voting. That means you can vote for the candidates in order of preference.

If you haven't received that email, or if you have any questions, please email membership [at] usworker [dot] coop.

Here is the link to the online ballot:


Voting Tips

  • There are 10 candidates for the board. You should review the candidate statements ahead of time so you are ready to vote.
  • Check with your co-workers in your member organization in order to arrive at your ranked voting preference before casting your ballot.
  • Use the provided code for your workplace.
  • Click to select or unselect a choice.
  • We recommend ranking all candidates, but you must select at least one 1 choice to cast your ballot.
  • Double check your ballot. Then click the "Vote!" button to cast your vote.

Important dates

May 16
Candidate nominations open at the Spring Member Meeting

July 26
Nominations close

August 28
Voting begins for voting members

October 7
Voting ends for voting members

Mid October
Winners announced. New board member orientation begins.

New board members take their seat

About weighted voting

According to our bylaws, the USFWC uses weighted voting. Depending on your membership class, your vote will count for a different number of votes

  • Each vote of a Worker-cooperative and Federation Partner member counts for three votes.
  • Each vote of a Democratic Workplace member counts for two votes.
  • Each vote of a Cooperative Developer member counts for one vote.

Your workplace’s unique code is weighted according to your workplace’s USFWC membership class. That means that casting your vote once will count as many times as your vote is weighted.

Bylaws Updates Regarding Elections

All board seats are now at-large, after the Board of Directors of the USFWC voted to amend the federation’s bylaws during its June 2023 meeting. The amendment eliminated regional representatives and the mechanism of regional elections. Now, each year, board candidates can run from any voting member workplace and are voted on by the entire membership. Learn more by reading the memo on the bylaws change in the 2023 Fall Annual Member Meeting Packet.

Questions? For more information, contact membership [at] usworker [dot] coop